Pantheon Productions print porn models


winter project of sorting, organizing, some scanning, etc., of the print porno collection. Part of that is doing a better job of noting photographers and models, when possible.

From a Pantheon Productions magazine, Strip (1982) – this is Brett Collier, photographed by Colin Myer. He’s about half the 50+ page magazine; and as you can imagine, he starts off with more clothes on, and ends up with less. This was my fave.

10 replies on “strip”

OMG, yes!

We fucking love Colin Meyer (aka Charles Overmeyer, camera man for Falcon, and one-time RL lover of Tom Hartung). I dunno’ anything else about him. Except for his important contributions to male erotic photography. He often used not-as-well-known models and explored gay male uniforms and themes of masculinity, such as rugged blue collar men.

Love him, love this! Wow. Brett Collier is a rugged, mustachioed, well-built man, but the jock strap really puts it over the edge for me.

And you meant “Strip,” not “Strap,” right? Just checking because he also did “Strap” for Western Man. I know, this is Pantheon. I love both. Probably because of Colin Meyer!

I hope I don’t sound like a know-it-all. I just get excited when I recognize something I like a lot!
Thanks BJ!

Yay, Pantheon! Hope to see them in your upcoming posts.

I only have a few scanned pages of “Strip” myself. Not as good as yours, of course. I think Brett Collier is the hotter of the two models featured.

Oh BJ! You’ve outdone yourself! Colin Meyer is my fantasy porno man come to life! I can smell the musky manly jockstrap from here! Delicious! Thank you!!!!

Just FYI, VintageLover1:

I think you meant to say “Brett Collier.” Colin Meyer is the photographer.

Brett Collier is a dream, isn’t he? And the jock just really does it for me. Woof!

Haa haa yes of course JL! I put it down to being overcome with desire, in a lather, overly enthusiastic…or, maybe just not putting on my reading glasses first! Oh god isn’t he just a dream! A WET DREAM no less!!! He really does epitomise (well in my head at least) a very late 1970s/early early ‘80s gay USA male!! Take your pick of cities!! It would indeed be lovely if this look made a return to our city streets! yum yum!!!!!!

Hey, BJ!

I found another Pantheon mag featuring Brett Collier. It’s called, “Strokes” No1 (1979). Photographed by Adam Cadman, not Colin Meyer. It features a couple of men, one of whom is the same as Brett Collier from “Strip” and it has a corresponding film from Rollo Productions: “Working Men No4: The Painters”

where “Brett Collier” is credited as “Bart.”

But in the mag the models are not identified. It’s the same guy, right? I’ll send you the photos.

OK, OK. NOT the same guy, as you illustrated so well in the following post. I should take a breath before typing. I was sooo excited that they might be the same guy.

Well done, BJ!

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